Friends of Whitcliffe Common

Whitcliffe Common is the specatular high-point of the run-course. The organisers are very grateful for the invaluable help and support of The Friends of Whitcliffe Common.     

The present Common is all that remains of a much larger medieval common used in the 13th century to graze livestock, gather hay and quarry stone for the construction of buildings such as Ludlow Castle. On the Common and visible, are the long trenches thought to have been dug by the Parliamentarians for the siege of Ludlow Castle during the Civil War in 1646. Whitcliffe is also of international geological importance for exposures of Silurian strata.

The work of Murchison in the 19th century gave the name ‘Whitcliffian” to the Ludlow Bone Beds. In 1821 the tradition began of caring for area by local residents and this is continued today Trustees The Friends Whitcliffe Common.

The Friends of Whitcliffe Common is a registered charity and relies on donations to be able carry out the essential conservation maintenance work needed keep this iconic area Ludlow safe accessible. Vital woodland management is undertaken for the long-term well being of trees and grassland also safety people using Common.                                                                                      • 

Ludlow Community First Responders

Ludlow Community First Responders are Volunteers that work alongside the West Midlands Ambulance Service to provide life saving emergency care. They greatly help reduce the time that residents in Ludlow and the surrounding areas have to wait for emergency care, and you can often see them supporting our races.

Each year Andali Events makes charitable contributions to both these great local volunteer organisations.